Louie Louie 24
Hour Marathon
with special guests
The KIngsmen!
2023: OCT 7th 6PM -FOR 24 HOURS- OCT 8th 6PM
Here is the list of scheduled performers (not in order):
- The Kingsmen
- One More Time Around Again Marching Band (OMTAAMB)
- The Unipiper
- The Cascadian
- Colt Lightnin’
- Limbic Lizards
- little hexes
- Truth or AAAAA!
- Louie Louie Explosion
- Boomerang Sky
- Captain Harmonica
- Lew Jones
- Mammoth in Space
- Music We Remember
- Darka Dusty and the Borshch Beatniks
- doc normal
- Cleveland Jazz Combos
- The Louie Louisville Sluggers
- Street Hassle
- Seaweed & Co.
- Princessa Natasha Strange
- The Quags
- Don and the Quixotes
- Jack Awful
- Kenton Dolan
- Puzzle Teeth
- Danger! Atomic Deathray Band
- Diet D & Friends (for Jonny P Jewels)
- The Fuckin’ Fucks
- Howie Hotknife
- Melanie Hindman
- Dr Jenkem and Mr Hyde
- VicTim
- The Last Responders
- John Singiser / Rey Mapache
- Chamberlain/Gonzalez
- Roby Bennett
- Reverb Brothers or Claes Almroth Trio
- Dust and Thirst
- The Marvelous Quips
- Brother Louie
- The Restaurant Hot Sauce
- Lucile and the ice monkey
- Feral Drollery
- Viral Tyrant
- Baby Gravez
- Jeez Louies!
- The Verbtones
- Portland Ukulele Wednesdays
- The Divine Wind Brotherhood
- Your Strange Companions
- Johnny Franco & his Real Brother Dom
- Annie Vergnetti with David Owen
- Jamie Stewart (SANTA)
- Peasant Revolution Band
- Lucid Aisle
- Jay Ringer
- Craic Banjax
- Frolock
- Saxtrix
- Thee Pretentious Ensemble Terrible
- The Upsidedown
- The Skrimps
- Dartgun and the Vignettes
- Steve Wilkinson
- The Tiki Men
- Untitled Moose Group
- The Kingsmen
Do a solid. Volunteers can serve in an array of roles – everything from live streaming to showing up with donuts to sitting in with a band when they need an extra person. Tell us what you can do for the Louie-Lou. We love ya and we need ya!
Press Release and promotional materials are available for distribution. Saturday, October 7, 6 pm through Sunday October 8, 6 pm
AFRU Gallery with Admission: Free with suggested donation to AFRU Gallery. Opening and closing performances by The Kingsmen.
The Louie Louie Committee Committee formed to organize the 24 Hour Louie Louie Marathon. Why? Because 2023 is the 60th anniversary of the recording and release of The Kingsmen’s version of the song.
Have questions? We are open to talk about your contribution ideas, performance ideas, and creative opportunities.